Minimum HW requirements for Dicompass Gateway modules

Dicompass Gateway - Minimum HW requirements for Archive nad WebViewer

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Dicompass Gateway - Optimal HW requirements for Archive nad WebViewer

optimal hw.png

Minimum HW requirements for Server and Workstation

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Minimum HW requirements for diagnsotic license with 3D volumes

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Minimum HW requirements for Dicompass Gateway digitization

Minimum HW requirements for desktop or all-in-one PC:

- CPU i5/i7 6. generation (for Windows 10)

- RAM 2x4GB (dual channel)

- SSD 256 GB

- PCIe x4

- Windows 10 - 64 bit


Optimal HW requirements for desktop or all-in-one PC:

- CPU i5/i7 9. generation (for Windows 10 and 11)

- RAM 2x8GB (dual channel)

- SSD 500 GB

- PCIe x16

- Windows 10 - 64 bit


Minimum HW requirements for Dicompass Camera 2:

HW není blíže specifikován. Jedná se pouze o zařízení podporující operační systém Android verzi 9 a novější nebo iOS ve verzi 13 a novější.